Saturday, September 18, 2010

Friday Fire

It isn't every day that a police officer comes to your work to tell you that your house is on fire, but is what happened to me on Friday morning. I had only been at work for maybe 50 minutes when I got the news that a significant fire had broken out in our garage. When I arrived at the house the fire had been put out and they were able to contain it for the most part in the garage. I was told that Charlie had escaped from the garage and in fear took off running and a firefighter had rescued Chico but they couldn't find the other cat. When Jorge was given the go ahead he did find Coco hiding under my nightstand, safe but scared. The fire investigator is still unsure exactly what caused the fire, but we are forever grateful for the speedy response of the the Salem FD. Unfortunately the house is not livable because of all the smoke damage to the inside of the house and the fact that all the electricity, gas and water were shut off. Our insurance was super speedy and had someone over later that evening boarding up the house and starting the paper work to get everything cleaned and repaired. It looks like we will be hotel living people for 3-4 months which is upsetting especially with a baby arriving in less than 2 months. Jorge and I look pretty snazzy in our Wal-mart sweatpants we bought while we wait for them to wash our clothes, it is amazing how badly the stench of smoke can infiltrate EVERYTHING. We are so happy and thank GOD that the animals all made it out alive, we weren't home and that more damage wasn't done. Things could have been much worse.
This picture ran in the statesman journal, our big boy is famous! We were also on the 11 o'clock news Friday night.
Our house was the highlight of the day, we were going to start charging all the people who slowed down, stared and yes even took pictures!
Some things were recognizable, some were just blobs. Now we get the fun chore of trying to write down everything that was in there for insurance purposes.
Pop and I getting ready to have a look inside the house with our face masks and green gloves!


  1. Mary and Jorge - I'm in shock! I'm so, so sorry to hear this news - I hope you guys are doing okay. Let us know if we can help in any way.
    Many hugs,

  2. Oh Mary I am so sorry! Thank you Jesus you weren't home or hurt in any way. A hotel could be fun, at least you'll have maid service, which will be nice when the baby comes! Hang in there, if you need anything please let me know.
