Monday, February 28, 2011

Rollin Rollin Rollin

This past week Damian rolled over for the first time. I did catch it on video, though I don't have the master skills to post it, I will try though. Once he gets to his tummy he isn't quite sure what to do with himself, still getting used to it. We bought him this Bumbo seat and I think it is the cutest thing ever seeing him sit up like a big boy.
I couldn't get him to look straight ahead, not sure what he is looking at.
Must be something interesting up there too.

Miscellaneous Monday

I got the idea for Miscellaneous Monday from my friend Dara who graciously said I could use it too! So here are my random thoughts of the day.
1. I love a great bargain, OK wait, I LOVE a great bargain. I love to hunt down and get the best bargain possible, I have lost sleep to stand in line the day after Thanksgiving for the thrill of it! I have a large binder that I organize all my coupons in and every Sunday I cut out all the new coupons and take out the expired ones. I am a member on a few couponing websites that help me find amazing details and help with my stockpile. I am not cheap, (you can ask Jorge :), I just love to hunt down and get amazing deals. Let me tell you about my latest amazing deals. On one of my websites I discovered that there were some big diaper coupons. I have never ordered diapers on amazon so I decided to do a little research and hunt down those coupons. For those of you who have bought or are buying diapers you know how expensive they are and that usually if you buy in bulk you are paying less per diaper. With the help of my coupons I purchased a box of 184 pampers diapers for............$2.59. My second box of 184 I bought for $8.99. That is $.03 per diaper, not too shabby, and they are being delivered right to my front door for free!!! How could you not love that?!?!?!
2. Rain, I love rain, good thing that I live in Oregon then! The rain just makes me warm, cozy and comfortable inside. Fall is probably my favorite season with the rain, the trees changing colors, pumpkins and the fall smells. I can't wait to take Damian puddle jumping in the rain!
3. I'm not sure if any of you know this, but Oprah has her OWN network hehehehe. It's kind of a joke with my dad and I since anytime Oprah can, she mentions her network. Anyways, I have to admit that I do enjoy some of the shows on her channel, especially her show called Our America with Lisa Ling.
4. Tonight I am going to be making a new recipe, Chicken Marsala. I have never made this before but I am really looking forward to it. Whenever we go to Rudy's I always order Chicken Marsala and I am not sure why I have never thought to make it before. I will let everyone know next Monday how it turned out.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Valentine Wishes

I know I am a little late in wishing everyone a very happy Valentines Day, but I thought it wasn't too late to share some cute photos of my little valentine! We baked cupcakes and made daddy a special valentine dinner. It was an all around great day!
What a cutie!!!
We stopped by grandma and grandpas house to deliver some valentines.
Damian is such a smiley happy baby and it is a joy to be with him all day.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Just wanted to let everyone know that we have moved back home and couldn't be happier. I will post more later with some pictures. It feels soooooo good to be out of that hotel and back in our house.