Wednesday, November 14, 2012

All Birthday-ed Out!

Before heading to bed myself last night I snuck a quick peek at my now 2 year old.  He had insisted to take to bed with him his new truck and numerous other toys and they were all tucked in a sleeping away.  Crazy little boy-so cute though!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Creating Memories through Paint

This past weekend my mom and I took Damian and Addie to Create a Memory to do a little painting and memory making.  Due to some secrecy issues at this time I cannot show what Miss Addie was painting but Damian was all about the cow! 
So serious...for a few minutes that is!
Didn't want that extra paint to go to waste.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


A few months ago I asked Damian what he would like to be for Halloween-Cow he told me.  I continued to ask him in the weeks leading up to Halloween and the answer was always cow.  So like the good mother that I am I made him a cow costume!  I have to say he is the cutest cow that I have ever seen!!!
 After sitting him down I barely had time to snap this picture
 Moooo ready for some ready for some Trick-or-Treating!
 Headed out the door past the big spider
 I stayed home while Daddy and Grandpa took Damian Trick-or Treating and did not realize they let him crawl on the ground until I was downloading the pictures.  At least now I know how his costume got dirty.
Mooooooooooooo spooky cow!

Pumpkin Carving Time!

I have been a bit of a bad blogger as of late so I have much catching up to do!
I love Halloween so we have had lots of fun all month long and of course carving our pumpkins was one of them!  
 He was probably hoping to find candy or something exciting inside.
 Who doesn't love the gooey mess inside a pumpkin!
I know he looks miserable and like he hated the whole experience but he really did have fun!