Saturday, September 24, 2011

HItchin' a Ride

Faster Nana!

Charlie wants a ride too.

Getting braver, up on all fours now.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

T is for Tuna

Last week we drove down to Newport to pick up some fresh from the ocean tuna to can.  The giant tuna scared Damian, I don't blame him the eyes are creepy.

This guy was super fast at filleting the tuna

Then he would throw the scraps to Fred the sea lion.  Fred is very territorial and doesn't let any other sea lions near the boat when the boat comes in from fishing.

Sushi anyone?!?

All snugged in and ready to be pressurized!

Goofy Uncle Jon

After forever in the pressure cooker they are finally done!

Good work master tuna canner Grandpa!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

This time last year...

 This was our house 9/17/2010

This is our house today!

Come on in, take a tour.

Living Room

When we remodeled we decided to take down some walls and open up the kitchen.  

I love my new kitchen.

Family Room

Garage (duh) 

Sorry it has taken me so long to post pictures of the house.  I was unable to get pictures of Damians room as we was napping while I did this.  I will put some up later.  To see before pictures click here and here

Friday, September 16, 2011

Pepperoni Head

 After dinner when I was taking Damian out of his highchair I noticed a slice of pepperoni sitting nicely right on the top of his head.  So of course I got out my camera!

"Don't touch my pepperoni, I'm saving it for later!"

Monday, September 12, 2011

Day Trip: Silver Creek Falls

I love back to school time, and Damian isn't even in school yet.  It is so nice to be able to go somewhere in the middle of the week without it being over-crowded.  Silver Creek Falls was perfect.  The weather was so nice for hiking around and then a little picnic.  
I love these boys!

Dogs aren't allowed on the trail to the bottom so we enjoyed the view from above.  

Such a happy boy!

After our picnic lunch we played a little catch.

Then it was time for a dip in the creek.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Our day at the Fair

Last week we took a family trip to the State Fair.  The weather was perfect for walking around and taking in all the sites.  
Jorge took Damian into the petting zoo.  When the goats weren't trying to eat Jorges clothes Damian was able to pet some of the animals.  

Damians first donkey ride!

 It wouldn't be the fair without a soft serve cone from the dairy women's red barn.  This was my cone, but once Damian got a hold of it I never got it back.

I helped Jorge with a little of his.