There are many reasons that I love Costco, but the newest one is these amazing mini cinnamon rolls! Being that our hotel is practically next door to Costco I am there pretty frequently buying pre-made dinners and other goodies. I am not sure if these are new or if I have just never seen them before, but I am addicted to them now! They are just the best things in the world. You have to warm them up to fully appreciate the yummy gooieness of them. Jorge likes them with a cup of milk and I like them with a little decaf. I am a little upset that I didn't discover them when I was pregnant because I went through a cinnamon roll craving phase, but Salem no longer had a Cinnabon, so I suffered without. So next time you go to Costco you might just want to slip these sweet delights into your cart. At 6.99 for 35 cini-mini's how can you pass it up?!?!
I LOVE those little mini cinnamon rolls! Someone brought those for me right after my surgery in November and they are just heavenly!