I was doing so good at keeping up with my blog, not sure what happened! Anyways, here are some picture updates of the last couple of months to get me all caught up!
My Little Valentine!
Damian got a big boy bike!!!
I have been wanting to do rain barrels for my garden since we moved in. Finally got them completed! They are still a work in progress-but I couldn't be happier.
Doesn't get much cuter then a naked baby!
Damian is so strong, and such a good helper. We ripped up the carpet in our bedroom to put in wood flooring-so much better!
Damian started soccer a few weeks ago. These pictures are probably the only ones that will be posted as he is not a big fan and doesn't want to return. I guess we will try again next year!
When he did participate, he did really well.
I am following in my big sisters foot steps and starting my very own Easter Egg Hunt extravaganza!
We had a ridiculous amount of eggs and all the kids had lots of fun hunting them down.
My cute Easter boys!
I think this is the only picture where they are both looking at me and smiling!
Mason's first Easter
Rub a dub dub, two boys in the tub!
I shall promise to be better about posting pictures-especially as we will be doing more activities.