This past Wednesday we took Damian to the zoo for the first time. The weather was perfect and for probably the first time I can remember the animals were actually active and visible! Damian stayed awake the whole time we were there and was intently watching the animals, sometimes even trying to reach out and touch some of them.
What big claws you have Mr. Tiger!
I LOVED the giraffes! They were being so sweet to each other, I mean how precious is that.
Addie is an ol' pro at the Zoo so she was Damian's official zoo guide.
What is sweeter than a baby elephant?!?! The elephants were talking to each other and you could always tell when the baby would talk because it was a higher pitch, daddy elephant even let out a loud trumpet. I have never heard the elephants be so vocal.
I think the cougar was a little hungry because he was pacing back and forth thinking some of us looked pretty tasty!
Addie decided that if Damian wasn't going to use his stroller than she had better, wouldn't want to waste a good pusher, and what a good pusher grandpa was.
I love bears and I have always wanted one of my own so I was thrilled to see the bears were active. And boy were they. Obviously these two bears were boys, because girls don't fight over silly things like sticks!
Poor baby bear was hiding out in the tree keeping out of the line of fire.
Don't worry no bears were harmed in the filming of this sequence, in fact afterwards they all meandered off to have a snack and a nap!!!