Sunday, December 26, 2010

Making new Christmas memories...

I can't believe that Christmas has come and gone already and the year is drawing to a close. We spent the night Christmas Eve at my parents house since we are still not back in our home. It was nice to share Damian's first Christmas with my parents and to start traditions that I grew up with, with Damian. Growing up the only present we were allowed to open Christmas eve were our Christmas pajamas. Jorge and I have always gotten each other Christmas pajamas but this year we got to get Damian his first Christmas pajamas-and so it continues! I can't wait for Damian to get older so he will fully understand the excitement and joy that Christmas brings. Jon, Rachel and Addie came down for Christmas dinner and Addie was in full Christmas mode! She inherited Jon's ability to slowly and very carefully open presents, but the excitement was still there. I spent today shopping to replace all my Christmas decorations that we lost in the fire, not as many good deals as the day after Thanksgiving but still some good bargains.
Damian wearing his Christmas pajamas next to his stocking that is longer than him.

Logan, Austin and Collin sent Damian this adorable outfit. Look at that cute bottom!!!
Mom and I were very adventurous this year and decided to make a salt incrusted prime rib. Using rock salt, flour and water you cover the entire prime rib making a hard shell to capture all the juices. Neither of us had ever made a prime rib like this before and others (I won't name names), were very skeptical of our abilities. The picture that is missing is of me cracking the shell open with an ice pick!
Perfection! It was so delicious and juicy.
Charlie wouldn't sit still for his Christmas photo, even he was too excited!

Friday, December 17, 2010

"Sleep in heavenly peace"

There is nothing more precious than a sleeping baby, except for maybe a baby sleeping with his daddy and his puppy. I finally had to move Damian out of his bassinet into his pack n' play. It was too much work to move his crib into the hotel room so instead we got a pack n' play and he sleeps in his crib at grandma and grandpa's house. It was really hard for me to give up the bassinet, he just looked so cute in it, but sleeping babies look cute wherever they sleep I suppose.

"Were off to get our Christmas Treeeeeee"

Instead of Dorothy, Tin man, cowardly lion, scarecrow and Todo we had 4 adults, a baby and a wiener dog on a quest to get a Christmas tree when the skies turned black and the rains came pouring down. Before we knew that a tornado had/would touch down in Aumsville Pop made a comment that it looked like tornado weather-he should be a weather man!!! It was probably the quickest picking of the Christmas tree ever! Mom, pop and I got out of the car, Jorge stayed in the car with Damian and Charlie, looked at some trees and the 2nd one we saw we chose! Everyone got out of the car we got a picture and off we went. We decided to have our hot cocoa and cookies back at the house since it was so nasty outside. I did inform Jorge not to get used to such a quick tree picking time, he dreads going to the tree farm with me because I like to inspect all the trees until I find the perfect one! I will be posting pictures of the Christmas tree in a future post but here are a few pictures of my cute little man in his special Christmas tree picking outfit. Yes I did buy an outfit just to pick out a Christmas tree :)

He is ready to go tree hunting!
Too bad they didn't have the outfit in Jorge's size, then they really would have looked like twins!

Friday, December 10, 2010

A boy and his best friend

Damian is our first child but as many pet owners can tell you he was definatley not our first baby. Charlie is a spoiled puppy and I was very worried as to how he would react when he wasn't getting all the attention. To say that he loves Damian is an under statement, he dotes on him and loves to be near him whenever he can. Of course we are extra careful because Charlie sometimes gets a little too close but all he wants to do is love on him. I think with any pet owner you don't want your pet to feel neglected when you bring home a baby and we have worked really hard to make sure all our pets still get some attention.
Look at that smile-he loves his puppy Charlie and his shirt proves it!
The first time I looked back in the mirror and all I could see was Charlie I freaked out! I pulled the car over an turned around and there was Charlie curled up at the end of the car seat looking over his boy. I still have to keep a close eye on him as he loves to give him kisses, but he just wants to protect Damian.
He is much more awake now in the afternoon and I love that he can make eye contact with me and follow me with his eyes.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


The only way I could get a good picture of his sweatshirt was when he was sleeping.
Arms up in the touchdown position!